International Journal of Business and Finance Management Research
ISSN: 2053-1842
Vol. 7(2), pp. 11-22, October 2019

Nexuses between induction training and employee job satisfaction: Exploring the moderating role of organizational culture and motivation

Sabiha Zafar1 and Usman Zafar2*

1Institute of Education and Research, Punjab University Lhr, Pakistan.
2Institute of Business and Management, University of Engineering and Technology Lhr, Pakistan.

*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail:

Received 09 April, 2019; Received in revised form 15 May, 2019; Accepted 20 May, 2019.


Induction training, Organizational culture, Employee job, Workplace motivation.

In accordance with several scholars in the field of human resource management, developing employee commitment towards the employing organization is valuable due to the assumption that it increases their satisfaction, productivity and adaptability. The aim of present study was to examine the nexuses between induction training, organizational culture, workplace motivation and employee job satisfaction. For this purpose, managerial level employees of NADRA were considered as the population of study. Sample size for study was 270 employees according to Morgan formula. The printed version of the questionnaire was conducted, and questions asked contained information about the employee job satisfaction towards induction training as well as organizational culture and work place motivation by following employee intercept technique. The outcomes of the research provides support to the hypothesis anticipated, representing that there is a significant relationship between induction training, organizational culture and employee job satisfaction but organizational impacts was negative in this study. Furthermore, high correlations were found between all variables in this study. Particularly, in this study work has been done on NADRA. Organizational culture has been viewed generally not specifically on any dimension, which perhaps is an important part. The suggestions of the findings of this study for managers and especially for human resource professionals are quite important, properly done induction training program is very important for the success of organization as well as for the job satisfaction of employees.

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