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International Journal of Modern and Alternative Medicine Research
ISSN: 2053-1834
Vol. 7(1), pp. 4-7, February 2020
Extrapulmonary tuberculosis developed on a chronic psoriasis vulgaris patient, treated with Adalimumab
Corina Bud1*, Ioana Alexandra Balc2 and Dan Andrei Todor2
1University of Oradea, Romania.
2County Emergency Clinical Hospital of Oradea, Romania.
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: corinatbud@yahoo.com.
Received 02 September, 2019; Received in revised form 28 January, 2020; Accepted 03 February, 2020.
Vulgar psoriasis, Extrapulmonary tuberculosis, Adalimumab, Anti TNF-α.
The use of anti TNF-α in psoriasis vulgaris has been part of a groundbreaking discovery in the treatment of patients. Unfortunately, there is an increased risk of developing infections, especially tuberculosis, during the administration of this medication, which is why attention is being drawn to the more complex investigation of these patients to identify all possible locations of tuberculosis. The case of a patient that had first been diagnosed with psoriasis vulgaris in 1990 is presented. While under biological therapy with adalimumab, the patient developed extrapulmonary tuberculosis (TB). The onset of tuberculosis raised a problem regarding the treatment options for psoriasis vulgaris. Therefore it was a challenge for physicians to choose an effective psoriasis treatment that would not interfere with the tuberculostatic treatment.
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