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International Journal of Research in Environmental Studies
Vol. 6(3), pp. 27-38, September 2019
Improvement of water quality and operational management of small water supply systems in rural area, South Korea
Chang-gyun Lee1*, Ha-naYoo2 and Kyeong-ah Kim2
1Environment Investigation Division, Department of Environment, Institute of Health and Environmental Research, Chungcheongnam-do Province 32254, South Korea.
2Drinking Water Examination Division, Department of Environment, Institute of Health and Environmental Research, Chungcheongnam-do Province 32254, South Korea.
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: cglee4517@korea.kr.
Received 23 July, 2019; Received in revised form 18 August, 2019; Accepted 21 August, 2019.
Water supply systems, Ground water quality, Facility management, Rural area.
Supplying clean and safe drinking water evenly to residents is the basic responsibility of the national water management policy to realize water welfare in any country. This study investigated 1,526 samples of small water supply systems in 12 cities and counties in Chungcheongnam-do Province, South Korea to come up with measures to improve water quality and operation management of small water supply systems, a major source of water in rural areas. The results revealed that in total, 1,183 samples (77.5%) out of 1,526 samples supplied in 12 cities and counties were suitable for the current drinking water standard of Korea. However, 343 samples (22.5%) were found to be inadequate for water quality. The main non-conformities item of water quality in the facilities were found to be 34.1% of microorganisms; general bacteria, total coliforms, due to some characteristics of the rural area, 17.2% of nitrate caused by a livestock and excrement facilities, 7.9% of fluorine and 5.5% of turbidity, and 2 items or more redundant facilities were found to be 18.7% of unsuitable samples. This indicates that geological strata, facility management insufficiency, and poor disinfection control conditions in areas where small water supply systems are installed are the main factors in determining the quality of water. By doing this, we intend to enhance the effectiveness of the sustainable water management policy for the realization of equal water welfare in the country and provide important ideas for the fundamental improvement and operation management of small water supply systems currently operating in rural areas.
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