Call For Papers

International Journal of Research in Environmental Studies (IJRES) welcomes submissions of articles which are to be considered for monthly publication in the journal; such as Full length research articles; Review articles including Critical reviews, Mini reviews and Tutorial reviews; Communications; Reports of preliminary research findings that justify urgent publication, in all areas of environmental studies as well as enviromental technology.

The scope of the journal is broad and it includes but not limited to the following area of specialty:

Air Pollution, Atmospheric Chemistry, Atmospheric Physics, Bioconversion in the Environmental, Bioinorganic Chemistry, Biostratigraphy, Carbonate Sedimentology, Chemostratigraphy (Sequence Geochemistry), Chloroflourocarbons, Computational modeling, Ecological Studies, Ecotoxicology, Ecological risk assessment and management, Caverns, Dams, Radioactive Waste Disposal, Rock Testing, Emerging issues in environmental health and diseases, Energy and Fuels, Environmental Aesthetics, Environmental Biocatalysis, Environmental Biotechnology, Environmental Economics, Environmental education and public health, Environmental Engineering, Environmental epidemiology and disease control, Environmental genomics and proteomics, Environmental planning and design, Environmental Management, Environmental policy, Environmental Safety, Mutagenesis and carcinogenesis of living organisms, Fertilizer Effects on the Environment, Flood and Its Effects, Gene-environment interactions, Geochemistry, Geo-environmental Assessment and Monitoring, Global Warming, Ground Water Pollution, Health risk assessment and management, Hydrogeochemistry, Hydrogeology, Industrial By-products Disposal, Industrial Waste Treatment, Mineralogical Characteristics, Natural Disaster Research, Natural Products and their Uses, Natural resources damage assessment, Noise Pollution, Ozone Layer Depletion and its Effects, Particle and Fibre Toxicology, Petroleum and Petrochemicals, Petroleum Geology, Radiation Physics, Remote Sensing and GIS, Renewable Energy and Environment, Reservoir Characterization, Seismology, Sewer and Sewage Treatment, Soil Pollution, Synthesis and Analysis of Compounds from the Environment, Ultra-fast Chemical Reaction in the Environment, Urban and regional landscape design and natural disaster management, Volcanology, Waste Disposal, Waste Recycling Techniques, Water Pollution, etc.

IJRES has specific instructions and guidelines for submitting articles. These instructions and guidelines are readily available on her website. Please read and review them carefully. The whole manuscript should be submitted as a single Microsoft Word file that includes all Figures and Tables. However, where it is not convenient for the author to include some Tables or Figures in the body of the manuscript, such Tables or Figures may be places in a separate Microsoft Word file together with their Table/Figure legends. Their position should be properly cited/indicated in the text of the manuscript to enable the Editorial Office of IJRES, affix them appropriately, when editing the article during and after the review process. See Instructions for Authors

Manuscript(s) should be submitted as e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at: or Acknowledgement letter(s) together with manuscript number(s) will be mailed to the corresponding author within 48 hours of manuscript(s) reception by the Editorial Office.

Please note that authors are to suggest 3-5 potential reviewers and provide their contact information including email addresses in the cover letter that accompany�s any submission.

Articles that are not submitted in accordance with the instructions and guidelines of IJRES are likely to be rejected. While those articles that are considered to be outside the scope of IJRES will be re-directed to our sister journal whose scope covers that of the said article. However, this will only be done after seeking permission from author(s) of such article(s) and consent has been granted.

IJRES strongly discourages and rejects submission of articles which have been published or are being considered for publication elsewhere. Therefore, all articles submitted to IJRES must be original; must not have appeared in another publication and must not be submitted for publication elsewhere while under consideration for publication in IJRES. Also, submission of articles by anyone other than one of the authors will be rejected.

Abbreviation: Int. J. Res. Env. Std.
Language: English
ISSN: 2059-1977
Start Year: 2014


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