
Prof. Akah Peter Achunike
Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology
University of Nigeria
Nsukka, Nigeria.

Prof. Parveen Bansal
Department of Biochemistry
Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research
Chandigarh, India.

Prof. Mingsheng Zhang
Guizhou University
Department of Biological Science and Biotechnology
School of Life Sciences
Huaxi, China.

Prof. Roland N. Ndip
Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology
University of Fort Hare
Alice, South Africa.

Prof. Abdelfattah Badr Mohamed Badr
Tanta University Botany Department
Faculty of Science
Tanta University
Tanta, Egypt.

Prof. Hatil Hashim EL-Kamali
Omdurman Islamic University
Botany Department

Prof. Muradiye Nacak
Department of Pharmacology
Faculty of Medicine
Gaziantep University

Prof. Swati Sen Mandi
Division of Plant Biology
Bose Institute

Prof. Cemşit Karakurt
Department of Pediatrics and Pediatric Cardiology
Faculty of Medicine
Inonu University

Editorial Board Members

Dr. Gamal Abd Allah Mohamed Hussein
Faculty of Pharmacy,
Al Azhar University,
Pharmacognosy Department,
Assiut, Egypt.

Dr. Magdy Mostafa Desoky Mohammed
Pharmacognosy Department,
Pharmaceutical and Drug Industries Research Division,
National Research Center,
Cairo, Egypt.

Dr. Sujogya Kumar Panda
Department of Biotechnology,
North Orissa University Takatpur,
Odisha, India.

Dr. Muhammad Akram Khan
Department of Eastern Medicine
and Surgery, Faculty of Agriculture,
University of Poonch, Rawalakot,
Azad Jamu and Kashmir.

Dr. Sabrin Ragab Mohamed Ibrahim
Department of Pharmacognosy,
Faculty of Pharmacy,
Assiut University,
Assiut 71526,

Dr. Chandan Singh Chanotiya
Laboratory of Aromatic Plants and Chiral Separation,
CSIR-Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants,
Near Kukrail Picnic Spot Road,
Lucknow- 226 015,
UP, India.

Dr. Neeraj Upmanyu
RKDF College of pharmacy,
NH-12, Hoshangabad Road,
Bhopal (M.P.)

Mariana Maria Barros de Azevedo
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro,
Instituto de Microbiologia Professor Paulo de G�es,
CCS - BLOCO I - Lab. 050 - Dept de Microbiologia Geral,
Cidade Universit�ria - Rio de Janeiro,
24941-000, RJ - Brazil.

Dr. Fahmy Abd El-Rahman Sadek Hassan
Faculty of Agriculture
Tanta University,

Dr. Daniel Gabriel
Editorial Board Coordinator,
Journal of Medicinal Plant and Herbal Therapy Research.

Abbreviation: J. Med. Plant. Herbal. Ther. Res.
Language: English
ISSN: 2053-1826
Start Year: 2013


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