Instruction For Authors

Journal of Engineering and Manufacturing Technology (JEMT) welcomes submissions of articles which are to be considered for monthly publication in the journal; such as Full length research articles; Review articles including Critical reviews, Mini reviews and Tutorial reviews; Communications; Reports of preliminary research findings that justify urgent publication, in all areas of engineering and manufacturing technology.

The scope of the journal is broad and it includes but not limited to the following area of specialty:

a. Material Science

Advanced Glasses and Ceramics, Advanced Prosthetic Materials, Application of Ionic Liquid, Biomedical Materials Processing, Chemical Synthesis of Functional Materials, Dielectric and Ferroelectric Materials, Electrode Materials for Lithium Ion Battery, Electrode Position and Electroless Plating, Magnetoelectric Composites, Micro/nano Capsulation, Microstructure Characterization of Solid State Materials, Microwave Materials and Measurement, Nanofibre and Nanohollow Fibre Processing, Nano-materials and their application in devices, Photo-electronic Thin Films, Semiconductor Materials, Surface Wettability, Synthesis, Modification and Applications of Nanomaterials, Thermoelectric materials, etc.

b. Civil Engineering

Bionics, Concrete Fracture Mechanics, Finite Element Methods, Foundation Treatment, Geoenvironmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Ocean Engineering Structure, Pile foundation, Project Risk Analysis and Safety Evaluation, Soil Dynamics, Soil Improvement, Stability Theories, Steel Structures, etc.

c. Chemical Engineering

Applied Thermodynamics, Biomass Utilization, Bioseparation Science and Technology, Biotransformation on Steroids, Biotransformation, Catalytic Reaction, Chemical Process Intensification, Chemicals Production from Coal, Colloidal and Interface Science, Computer Simulation and Bioprocess Design, Fine Chemicals and Their Synthetic Technology, Heterogeneous Polymerization Technology, Heterogeneous Reactions and Catalysis, In Vivo and In Vitro Biocatalysis, Integration and Intensification, Membrane Bioreactor for Wastewater Treatment, Membrane Distillation with Solar Energy, Optimum Design of Reactors, Polymer Nanocomposites, Polymerization Engineering, Process Modeling, Protein Folding, Reactor Design and CFD Simulation, Supercritical Fluid Technology Based Micronization, Superhydrophobic Film, Synthetic and Bionic Membranes, Tissue Engineering, etc.

d. Mechanical Engineering

Alloy Design and Synthesis of Bulk Metallic Glasses, Automatic Control, Computer Aided Manufacturing, Construction Machinery Design, Cryogenics Systems, Diagnostics of Machinery Product, Fault Tolerant Control, Hybrid Control, Kinematics and Dynamic Analysis of Robot, Machine Vision, Mechanical Design, Mechanics, Micro/Nano Manipulation, Microscale Thermal and Flow Analysis, Multibody (rigid or flexible) Dynamic Analysis, Neural Fuzzy Control, Optical Design, Optical Metrology, Optimal Mechanical Design, Parallel Robot and Mobile Manipulators, Plasticity, Precision Manufacturing, Process Integration and Energy Conservation, Quality Control, Reverse Engineering, Robotic Mechanism and Control System Design, Swarm Intelligence, Vibration and Modal Analysis, Vibration and Noise Analysis, etc.

e. Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Band, Biomedical, Communication Systems, Computational Electromagnetic Fields, Controls Automation and Smart Machine, Data Encryption, Digital, DSP, Electric Power System Security and Contingency Planning, Electrical Machines and Drives, Electromagnetic Wave Propagation and Dielectrics, Electronic Warfare, Energy Scavenging, Fiber Optics Communication, Fiber Optic Devices, Fiber Laser, Optical Networking, Free-Space Optics, Optoelectronics, Image Processing, Inverse Optimal Control, MEMS, Analog IC Design, Device Physics, IC Fabrication and Packaging, Microelectronics, Microwave Active and Passive Circuits, Millimeter Wave and Ultrawide, Mobile and Cellular, Multivariable Control, Networking, Nonlinear Dynamics, Non-linear Dynamics, Pattern and Face Recognition Systems and Microprocessor-Based Systems, Radar, RF Circuit Design, Satellite, Sensor Network, Signal Processing and Communications, Signaling, Solar Photo Voltaic, VLSI, FPGA, Artificial Intelligence, Wireless, etc.

f. Marine Engineering

Ship design and economics, Ship production and repair, Ship hydrodynamics and structure, Ship maneuvering and control, Ship resistance and power, Propellers, Rudders, Hydrofoil and shafting, Ship hull vibration, Ship building materials, Marine engines and fuels, Intact and damaged stability, Offshore and ocean engineering, Safety and environmental applications, Welding technology, Heat transfer and fluid flow, Solid and fracture mechanics, Design optimization, Experimental methods and applications, Numerical modeling and simulation, Mining science, Naval architecture, Marine structural mechanics, Shipbuilding technologies, Marine structural mechanics, Marine machinery, Marine electrical equipment, Marine communication apparatus, Undersea teleoperator/Underwater robot, Ocean engineering, Coastal engineering, Marine drilling, Offshore drilling, Offshore engineering, Underwater technology/Undersea technology/Subsea technology, Underwater welding, Marine navigation equipment and systems, Underwater acoustic engineering/Hydroacoustic engineering, Ship management and economics, etc.

g. Mining Engineering

Geomechanics, Resource-saving mining technologies, Stability of mine workings, Wave processes in rock mass, Mineral dressing, Mining machine science and ventilation systems. Also includes papers on the mechanical properties, pressure distribution, brittleness, drillability, and blast behavior of rock in mines, Geothermal Energy, Hydro-electric Stations, Metro Systems, Open-pit Mines, Petroleum Engineering, Quarries, Underground Mines, Tunnels, Shafts, Site Investigation, etc.

Submission of Manuscript

Submission of manuscript(s) should be by electronic submission with the text, tables and figures included in a single Microsoft Word file (preferably in Times New Roman or Arial font with font size 12). However, where it is not convenient for the author to include some tables and/or figures in the text of the manuscript, such tables or figures may be placed in a separate Microsoft Word file together with their figure legends. Their position should be properly cited/indicated in the text of the manuscript(s) to enable the Editorial Office of JEMT, affix them appropriately, when editing the article during processing of the manuscript(s). All pages should be numbered consecutively starting from the title page.

Manuscript(s) should be submitted as e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at: or Acknowledgement letter(s) together with manuscript number(s) will be mailed to the corresponding author within 48 hours of manuscript(s) reception by the Editorial Office.

Cover Letter

A cover letter which should include the corresponding author's full address and telephone/fax numbers should accompany each submission in a Microsoft Word file, sent as e-mail attachment and addressed to the Editor. This letter MUST be written by the first author but approved by all the authors. The content of the letter should include among others, a statement that:

  • the research article is original and has not been submitted or accepted for publication elsewhere;
  • clearly indicates whether potential conflict(s) of interest(s) do or do not exist;
  • the manuscript has been read and approved by all the authors.

International Journal of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology Research will only accept manuscripts submitted as e-mail attachments.

Manuscript(s) Arrangement

The manuscript(s) should be double-spaced, with a minimum of 2.5 cm margins on all sides, and arranged as follows: Title, Affiliation, Abstract, Key words, Text, Acknowledgments, Literature cited, Appendix, Tables, Figure legends and Figures. There is no restriction on the length of research papers and reviews, although authors are encouraged to be concise.


The title of the manuscript should be brief (but informative enough to facilitate information retrieval), given preferably in single line; and a suggested running title should also be provided.

Names of Author(s)

The name(s) of author(s) should be listed below the title and the corresponding author should be indicated with asterisk (*). Also, the corresponding author MUST provide his email address and fax (if available).

Authors� Affiliation(s)

The Affiliation(s) of all author(s) should be given clearly and briefly with their institutions, addresses with zip code and name of country.


The abstract should be brief, indicating the purpose/significance of the research, methodology adopted, major findings and the most significant conclusion(s). Scientific names should be spelled in italics. The abstract should not contain literature citations that refer to the main list of references attached to the complete article. The abstract should be written as a single paragraph and should not contain displayed mathematical equations or tabular material. The abstract should be written in past tense; complete sentences, active verbs, and the third person should be used. The abstract should not be more than 250 words.

Key words

The authors must provide 3-8 key words for indexing purposes and to facilitate the retrieval of articles by search engines. Key words provided should be different from the words that make up the title of the article.


The text should be typed in single column, double space and justified. The full term for which an abbreviation stands should precede its first use in the text unless it is a standard unit of measurement. The text should be subdivided into the following sections:


Introduction should be clear and concise, with relevant references to the nature of the problem under investigation as well as its background. There should be no sub-headings. Excessive citations of literature (especially to support well known statements) and discussions marginally relevant to the paper; together with other information that adds length but little significance to the research, should be avoided. Only necessary and latest citations of literature that are required to indicate the reason for the research undertaken and the essential background should be given.

Materials and Methods

Descriptions of experiment(s) should be sufficiently detailed to enable scientist in that field of study to replicate them. All chemicals and drugs used must be identified correctly, including their generic names, the name of the manufacturer, city and country in parenthesis. The techniques and methodology adopted should be supported with standard references. Briefly describe methods that have been published but are not well known as well as new or substantially modified methods. Descriptions of established procedures are unnecessary. Apparatus should be described only if it is non-standard; commercially available apparatus used should be stated (including manufacturer’s name and address in parenthesis). Only International System (SI) units should be used for all measurements.

Results and Discussion

The results may be presented first, followed by a discussion of their significance. When presented in this format, it should be presented in logical sequence. Data emerging out from the study should be included, arranged in unified and coherent sequence(s) and should be statistically analyzed. Only strictly relevant results should be presented; and figures, tables, and equations should be used for purposes of clarity and brevity. The same data should not be presented both in tabular and graphic forms. Results and Discussion may also be presented together. The discussion should state the implications of the findings and their limitations as well as the conclusions drawn. It should relate the observations to previously published relevant studies and should be supported by relevant references. Long confused and irrelevant discussion should be avoided. Conclusions should not summarize information already present in the text or abstract. Recommendations, when appropriate, may be included.

Review article(s) should not contain methodology and/or results sections since there is neither any study to describe nor data to be analyzed. The format is as follows: Abstract, 3-8 key words, Introduction, Relevant section headings, Conclusion and References.

Acknowledgement (Optional)

The Acknowledgement should include the names of those who contributed substantially to the work described in the manuscript but do not fulfill the requirements for the authorship. It should also include name(s) of sponsor(s)/funding agency of the research.


The list of references should conform to the conventions specified in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA) (6th ed.) style: Short reference system for citations in the text, accompanied by a detailed alphabetical list below the “Acknowledgement” section. Single author reference should be cited thus: Goshen, 2012; should there be more than two authors, surname of the first author followed by et al., and the year should be cited in the text, for example, Smith et al., 2012; should the sources include just two authors; it should be cited thus: Goshen and Smith, 2012. Include among the references, manuscripts accepted but not yet published; designate the journal followed by "in press" (in parenthesis). When referencing website, please include the full title and accessed date. In the list of references at the end of the paper, full and complete references should be given in the following style, with punctuation arranged alphabetically by first author's surname:

Paper in a Journal

Chesher A (1991). The effect of measurement error. Biometrika 78(3):451–462.
Cannon MD and Amy CE (2001). Confronting failure: Antecedents and consequences of shared beliefs about failure in organizational work groups. J. Org. Behav. 22:161–177.
Parasuraman R, Sheridan TB and Wickens CD (2000). A model for types and levels of human interaction with automation. IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybernet. A30(3):286-295.


Frese M (1991). Human Aspects in Computing, Design and use of Interactive Systems and Work with Terminals. Bullinger HJ (Ed.), Elsevier, Amsterdam. 782p.

Chapter in a Book

Frese M (1995). Error management in training: Conceptual and empirical results; In: Zucchermaglio C, Bagnara S and Stucky S(Eds.), Organizational Learning And Technological Change. Springer –Verlag, Berlin, Germany. pp. 112 – 124.

Electronic Sources

Gatanga Constituency (2010). Development Projects Overview. Gatanga Constituency. Retrieved October 10, 2012. Available online at:

References in languages other than English MUST be referred to by an English translation.

Tables and Figures

All tables and figures must be relevant and necessary; the same data should not be presented in tables and figures, and do not use short tables for information that can be easily presented using text. Tables and figures should be numbered sequentially, for example, Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3 and so on.

Mathematical Notations and Equations

All equations must be clearly typed, tripled-spaced and should be identified or numbered accordingly.


A nomenclature section defining all symbols used should be included.

Fees and Charges

The charges for publication have been established based on the yearly classification of the World Bank Economies of countries (i.e. Low income countries, Middle income countries and High Income countries). For information on which category your country below to and the amount payable, please click on "Charges". Payment to BluePen Journals can be made either by bank transfer or money order. Instructions on how to pay handling fees will be sent to authors only after their manuscript have been accepted for publication.

Abbreviation: J. Eng. Manuf. Technol.
Language: English
ISSN: 2053-3535
Start Year: 2013


International Journal of Research in Environmental Studies

International Journal of Scientific Research and Innovative Studies

International Journal of Modern and Alternative Medicine Research

Journal of Medicinal Plant and Herbal Therapy Research

International Journal of Modern Biological Research

International Journal of Advance Agricultural Research

International Journal of Food Research

International Journal of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology Research

International Journal of Business and Finance Management Research

International Journal of Research and Reviews in Education

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